Timothy Teel

Timothy Teel Profile Photo

retired physician, author, CEO Doc of Unlock

Dr. Teel is a retired ENT physician, now author, speaker and online trainer dedicated to teaching people the power of their own emotions and how powerfully their diet can affect their overall health. Dr. Teel teaches from a scientific and historical perspective that our bodies were designed intelligently and with our physical survival for millions of years in mind. In order for us to thrive today, we MUST understand the role of inflammation to both make us sick and help us heal and how our bodies interact with the food we eat that results in varying levels of inflammatory mediators in our bodies. He also teaches the vital role emotions play in creating memory and driving information into our DNA and that we have incredible control over our bodies when we address them as emotionally-responsive tissue. He believes that we are faith-based organisms that respond to both negative and positive emotions and his teaching is aimed directly at how to tactically manipulate our emotional response to life.

Jan. 31, 2024

Ditch Dairy, Embrace Health: Dr. Tim Teel's Holistic Healthcare Revolution

In this episode, Dr. Tim Teal shares his journey from traditional medicine to holistic healthcare. He discusses the impact of food on health and the importance of ditching dairy for better well-being. Dr. Teal emphasizes that...
Guest: Timothy Teel